Tea and Health
Tea has long been known for its medicinal properties. For centuries, people have appreciated tea and named it the best medicine that nature has gifted humanity. A large number of ancient medical treatises are devoted to the description of the health benefits of tea. According to historical sources, tea has medicinal and restorative properties and at the same time is a panacea for numerous diseases. In the 20th century, tea was included in the category of herbal medicinal products, and the World Health Organization named tea as the healthiest drink of all existing on Earth. Maybe said that the benefits of tea are verified by thousands of years of experience. No wonder that China is the place of origin of this mysterious potion of longevity as it has always been famous for its long-living population.
At the present time, the scientists associate the beneficial effects of Chinese premium teas on the human health with the fact that the tea leaf contains a large number of healthy compounds as vitamins, minerals, and other biologically active substances. The chemistry of high-quality tea is complex. It consists of several hundred different substances. Among the main compounds are: alkaloids (caffeine (theine), theobromine, theophylline), tannins (complex mix of polyphenol compounds, including tannin and catechins), amino acids, vitamins (B1, B2, C, D, E, PP etc.), organic acids, pigments, essential oils, pectins, nutritional elements (fluorine, selenium, iodine, iron, etc.) and minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium, etc.).
The complex health-improving effects of Chinese premium tea turn out to be beneficial for any person, as the tea in some measure relieves the negative effects of stress, unfavorable ecological conditions, malnutrition and other challenging factors of modern life. We can say that the regular use of high-quality Chinese tea is the way to health. In modern times, scientific studies have discovered the following principal benefits of fresh Chinese premium tea, stored in optimal conditions and properly brewed:
- Tea is used as an aid for weight loss
- Tea is tied to cardiovascular benefits
- Tea has cancer-preventing effects
- Tea can slow down the aging process
- Tea supports and improves digestion
- Tea provides a complex healing effect on many internal organs
- Consumption of tea reduces risks, caused by smoking, radiation and heavy metals
- Tea stimulates the central nervous system
- Tea also has soothing and relaxing effects
- Tea has powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action
- Tea prevents tooth decay and cavities
- Tea improves eye health
- Tea can boost your immune defenses.
- Tea can be used to control blood sugar in the body and cure diabetes
- Tea can regulate the temperature of your body
- Tea is used as an aid for weight loss.
The ability of Chinese premium tea to cause weight loss is due to the complex action of its active components: tea polyphenols, chlorophyll, vitamin C and etc.
- Tea polyphenols help to break down fats (for example, tannin is much more effective than vitamin E in regulating fat metabolism).
- Сhlorophyll interferes digestion and absorption of cholesterol, Vitamin C stimulates the process of cholesterol removal.
- Due to the large content of proteins and vitamins, Chinese premium tea is both free of calories and very nutritious and it also suppresses hunger. Malnutrition combined with drinking high-quality tea will help to remain functional and keep performing your daily activities.
Oolong tea and Pu-erh tea are the most powerful in terms of helping you to metabolize fats in your body. Therefore, these teas are the most efficient, and most importantly - safe, all-natural remedy to reduce excess weight and help people to fight against obesity. Among the tea additives, the most effective in terms of weight regulation are the dried rosebuds, as they help to reduce the fat content in the body.
- Tea is tied to cardiovascular benefits.
Practically all varieties of Chinese premium teas promote the health of heart and blood vessels. For example, white tea lowers the pressure and improves the elasticity of blood vessels. Black (red) tea, especially strong, on the contrary, raises blood pressure and dilates the blood vessels, prevents them from clogging. Studies have shown that oolong teas help to decrease cholesterol levels in the blood (combined with ginseng, this effect can be enhanced).
Green tea and Pu-erh tea are the most effective of all teas to prevent cardiovascular problems and diseases.
Green tea, which contains vitamin P, strengthens the walls of blood vessels and prevents internal bleeding. Green tea polyphenols are great to improve blood vessel health, capillary strength, lower the level of blood cholesterol, and prevent the buildup of cholesterol plaques inside the arteries. Along with vitamins C and E, green tea polyphenols serve as antioxidants, effectively destroying free radicals and preventing the oxidation of low-density lipoprotein, the excess of which leads to the malformations in blood vessels.
Pu-erh has a range of properties that lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases:
- expands the blood vessels, temporarily reduces the blood pressure, slows down the heart rhythm (heart rate), reduces the brain blood flow and etc. This is why this type of tea is particularly helpful for seniors and patients suffering from coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis;
- helps to decrease the concentration of cholesterol, triglycerides and free fatty acids in blood plasma, assists in removing cholesterol from the body, suppresses cholesterol production by liver cells and consequently reduces the risk of coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis.
- Tea has cancer-preventing effects
The experiments conducted at the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine (over 140 tea varieties have been tested) confirmed the fact that Chinese premium tea prevents the development of cell mutations and reduces the risk of cancer. Polyphenols and catechins suppress the activity of enzymes which activate substances causing the development of malignant tumors. These chemical components inhibit the activation and increase of the expression of the proto-oncogenes, which enables the conversion of normal cells into cancer cells. Polysaccharides and vitamins boost the immune system and, therefore, contribute to the destruction of tumor cells. Selenium contained in tea is effective for the prevention of cancer associated with chemical influences and radiation.
For example, the cancer-preventive potential of white tea is known for fighting the malignant tumors appearing because of the ultraviolet rays, oolongs can assist in coping with pathological cells (activate the resorption of polyps, myomas), floral teas can prevent the formation and neutralize the carcinogenic effects of N-nitroso compounds. But the teas with the strongest anti-tumor properties are Green tea and Pu-erh.
Green tea has amazing potential and cancer-fighting abilities. Green tea polyphenol epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) suppresses the development of cancer in a concentration equal to the concentration in the blood of a person consuming two to three cups of green tea per day. This substance disables the enzyme, which plays a crucial role in the life-cycle of cancer cells. Laboratory studies conducted by scientists from the largest universities of the USA and Australia revealed that the animals that took green tea and were exposed to carcinogenic effects of tobacco and ultraviolet had fewer cases of lung, liver, esophagus, larynx and skin cancer compared to the other test animals.
Professor Liang Minda and Professor Hu Mein for over 10 years have conducted researches on the ability of Pu-erh tea to reduce the chances of cancer formation. They discovered that Pu-erh is particularly effective in destroying cancer cells. Various compounds contained in a tea leaf (polyphenols and their complex compounds, their oxidation and decomposition products, beta-Carotene, vitamins B1, B2, C, E) are the key elements that help to prevent the development of cancer tumors in a human body, and also reduce the risk of mutations.
- Tea can slow down the aging process.
It has been proved that the aging of the human body is associated with lipid peroxidation. Chemical compounds with antioxidant properties, such as vitamin C and vitamin E, can slow down the aging process. A tea leaf is loaded with both of these vitamins, together with tea polyphenols, which also contribute to rejuvenating a human body. Studies by Japanese scientists have shown that the antioxidant power of vitamin E, which has long been considered as an anti-aging agent, is only 4%, while the power of the green tea as an inhibitor of oxidation reactions reaches 74%, as it contains both vitamin E and polyphenols (catechins).
Tea catechins can neutralize oxidizing free radicals - destabilized molecules which cause damage to the tissues in the most sensitive spots of the body. EGCG (Epigallocatechin gallate) and EGC (epigallocatechin), the most abundant catechins in tea, are the strongest antioxidants. Studies have shown that the contents of polyphenols and catechins, particularly EGCG and EGC, in Pu-erh tea, made from the leaves of the Yunnan large-leaf tea tree, exceed the contents of these compounds in teas made from other raw materials. All this allows for the conclusion that Pu-erh is better than other tea can slow down or defer the aging process.
Regular consumption of any variety of Chinese premium tea maintains a stable level of amino acids, minerals and vitamins in your body helping to prevent the development of chronic diseases, assisting the organs and systems in their normal functioning, all this create a powerful defense against the aging process.
On top of all, Chinese premium tea improves the functions of the skin, helps to clean the pores through sweating, and contains vitamins B2, P, K, fighting signs of skin aging and helping to maintain the skin elasticity. For example, white tea can improve the restorative and regenerative processes of skin cells. Among the tea additives, ginseng and flower buds are particularly beneficial in improving the structure and appearance of the skin. Teas with dried rosebuds contribute to the skin tonicity and retain skin hydration.
- Tea supports and improves digestion.
The Chinese premium tea is loaded with caffeine and tannins which are beneficial for digestive health, resulting in improved digestion and efficient food absorption. Pectins may also assist intestinal bacteria with creating B vitamins, improving the vitality and growth of useful microorganisms in the intestines. The composition of the intestinal microbiota is also improved by organic acids. Oolong tea, especially the one infused with osmanthus flowers, stimulate the function of the spleen, which is responsible for the food digestion and absorption of nutrients, and as a result, have a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract. That is why it is recommended to drink a cup of tea to aid your digestion after a large meal especially with a lot of fats. In Central Asia, people after eating a greasy meal are used to having hot tea as a remedy for heaviness in the stomach.
On top of that, the consumption of tea prevents the development of digestive diseases. For example, Pu-erh with its soothing and enveloping effect covers the gastric mucosa of the stomach, forming a protective layer inside of it. Use of Pu-erh tea on a regular basis helps to protect your stomach and prevent gastrointestinal disorders.
- Tea provides a complex healing effect on many internal organs.
Good-quality tea from China packed with useful compounds, has beneficial effects on the digestive system:
- it stimulates the activity of kidneys thanks to the diuretic effects of its alkaloids;
- prevents the formation of stones in liver, kidneys, bladder;
- a high content of vitamin C and catechins improve the functions of liver, spleen, adrenal glands;
- iodine is key in helping the thyroid gland and the endocrine system as a whole to perform its essential functions.
The purifying properties of tea have a positive influence on the lymphatic system. Tea provides support for respiratory health since the respiratory metabolism accompanied by tea drinking is more intense than in the state of rest.
- Consumption of tea reduces risks, caused by smoking, radiation and heavy metals.
Studies have shown that each cigarette can make your body deficient in around 25 mg of Vitamin C. Regular consumption of premium tea neutralizes the harmful effects caused by smoking, as it replenishes the supplies of vitamin C in the body. A fresh tea leaf contains more vitamin C than an orange. Green tea is high in vitamin C compared with other tea varieties, as it is very lightly oxidized. According to the recent results of experimental studies, Oolongs have a unique property to retain vitamin C in the human body.
Chinese premium tea is an effective protection tool against radiation sickness, and an excellent remedy to improve the effects of chemotherapy. Tea is a powerful sunstroke inhibitor, remedy against ultraviolet burns and X-radiation. For example, it is recommended to drink tea, while watching television as it neutralizes the impact of electromagnetic radiation from the TV screens. The chemical composition of Chinese tea enables such functions. Tannins, substances with P-vitamin activity, copper, silicon, manganese, fluorine, iodine and other substances all form an interconnected biologically active healing complex.
The scientists have also discovered that the substances contained in Chinese premium tea can serve as natural remedies to remove heavy metals, such as lead, cadmium, mercury, zinc, which find a way into our bodies through food, air, and water. These powers are better performed by green, white and yellow teas, which have a low level of fermentation. Green tea, in general, is an excellent detoxifier, as it’s loaded with vitamins and alkaloids which neutralize various toxins treat alcohol intoxication, food poisoning, snake bites and chemical poisoning (remember that Shennong, who first discovered tea, used it as an antidote). All varieties of oolong tea help to eliminate toxins from your system. Floral tea also helps to remove toxins and regulate physiological processes.
- Stimulates the central nervous system.
Chinese tea contains caffeine and flavonoids, which have a stimulating effect on the central nervous system and increase neural activity in the brain. It is known that tea leads to a temporary increase in mental alertness, improves mood, enhances working capacity, fights with drowsiness and fatigue, and can suppress a headache. Experimental studies have shown that by stimulating the brain, the tea improves cognitive functions and both memory and focus. It happens because tea enhances the process of oxygen supply to the vessels of the brain, expanding them, improves respiratory functions of the body and removes toxins. Some of the Chinese premium tea additives are particularly beneficial for mental health.
For example, ginseng is one of the typical adaptogens, which offers remarkable benefits for the brain and improves the resistance, stamina, and adaptation to stresses and harmful environmental factors. That's why ginseng tea enhances physical strength, increases the working efficiency and is recommended for use as a recovery remedy from illnesses.
- Tea and its soothing effects.
Many varieties of Chinese premium tea have great soothing power and bring relaxation and peace to your soul and both physical and psychological comfort to your body. The calming effects of tea are provided by tannins and L-theanine, a free amino acid which binds some parts of the caffeine. White teas and teas, scented with jasmine and roses, reduce stress, provide relaxation effects and mobilize the energy resources of your body. High-mountain oolongs with their strong natural aromatic properties help people achieve mental relaxation. Rosebud tea with its essential oils has both stimulating and balancing effects on the human nervous system.
- Tea has powerful anti-inflammatory and bactericidal action.
Tea polyphenols possess the ability to initiate coagulation - the process of disrupting the normal properties of proteins and further transformation of blood from a liquid into gel. These chemical elements link with proteins of microorganisms and kill the bacteria and microbes. Many varieties of Chinese premium tea, including - oolongs and black (red) teas, contain tannins or tannic acids which are capable of suppressing putrefying bacteria and other types of microbes.
It has been clinically proven that green tea is effective in inhibiting the pathogenic bacteria such as Shigella bacillus, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Anthrax bacillus, and many others. The research and cases from clinical practice confirmed the properties of Pu-erh tea to confront the microbes and bacteria. Strong tea infusion, consumed 4 times a day, can serve as a remedy for dysentery. These powerful benefits of Pu-erh tea are directly related to the high content of polyphenols in the tea leaf, especially in the leaves of the large-leaf tea trees from Yunnan Province.
- Tea prevents tooth decay.
Chinese premium tea is full of fluoride, phosphorus, and calcium, thus the sugar-free tea can effectively prevent teeth damage, support strong enamel and prevent cavities.
Polyphenol-rich green tea removes pathogenic microorganisms guilty of inflammations of the periodontal membrane and gums and maintains your dental health. Black (red) tea suppresses the bacterial growths which destroy teeth and create cavities, dental plaque, and tartar. Cao Jin, head of the “Tea and Health” Laboratory at the Dental Faculty of Hunan Medical University, proved through his experimental tests that Pu-erh tea prevents the formation of dental plaques attached to the tooth enamel.
- Tea improves eye health.
Chinese tea is loaded with vitamin C and carotene, which is also called pro-vitamin A. Regular consumption of this tea helps to improve eyesight and serves as a preventive treatment against various eye diseases.
- Tea can boost your immune defenses.
The amino acid L-theanine that is found in tea leaves of oolongs, black (red) and aged (dark) teas helps the protective mechanisms of the body to resist to various infections by 5 times. Studies by Jack Bukowsky (Jack Bukowsky), Ph.D., Harvard Medical School (USA), showed that drinking five cups of tea per day greatly enhances the protective functions of the body, making it more resistant to various diseases. L-theanine mobilizes specific cells to regulate the production of interferon in the human body - a key element in the immune defenses against infections. Green tea catechins are able to bind free radicals, fight the infections and boost your immune system. These substances actively attack influenza and herpes viruses, some of which are capable of stopping the spread of the immunodeficiency-associated virus. Saponins, contained in ginseng oolong, increase the general resistance of the organism to malevolent physical, chemical or biological factors.
- Tea can be used to control blood sugar in the body and cure diabetes.
Catechins and vitamin P found in Chinese premium tea can decrease your blood sugar levels. Studies indicate that green tea can affect glucose tolerance in diabetes, and black (red) tea lowers the glucose level in the blood.
- Tea has great thermoregulation effects.
A cup of hot tea can keep you warm in winter and keep you refreshed in summer. The secret is that the sweat evaporates from your hot skin dissipating fifty times more heat than it contains. In a couple of minutes after a cup of hot tea, the temperature of your body drops down to 1-2ºC, which makes you feel refreshed. Green and white teas have a powerful cooling effect. Black (red) teas on the contrary warm you up.