Green Tea
China is the world's largest producer of green tea. The modern classification of green tea, according to the modern Classic of Tea (Cha Jing, Shanghai, 1999), describes approximately 138 varieties. However, the total number of varieties, including the autochthonous (local) types of teas, counts more than 500 kinds.
Throughout the main producing regions in China, the finest green teas are hand-crafted. During processing, green teas do not go through the fermentation procedure, which makes it very close to its nature. The major difference in the production process of green teas from the production of other tea varieties lies in the shā qīng or “kill the green” process. It is the initial stage of primary processing which is a crucial step in the formation of the basic tea properties. That is why this step is taken extremely seriously; the picked leaves are processed thoroughly and carefully in accordance with strict requirements. Due to the lack of enzymes and the created thermal effect all chemical elements of the leaf undergo their physical and chemical transformation resulting in a particular green tea character.
Based on the processing style there are four major categories of green tea:
chao qing lü cha - pan-roasted green teas,
hong qing lü cha – baked green teas,
zheng qing lü cha – steamed green teas,
shai qing lü cha – sun-dried green teas.
Depending on their form and appearance roasted green teas are divided into the following types:
chan chao qing - tea in the shape of elongated strips,
yuan chao qing -tea, curled into roundish balls,
bian chao quin – teas with flat tea leaves.
The most numerous out of them is the tea with leaves in the shape of elongated strips.
Green teas are known for the refined elegance of their shape, vibrant colors of fresh greenish hues, distinctive glossy sheen of their leaves, pure fragrance and fresh delicate taste.